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Make A Plan

Making a plan is one of the most fundamental and crucial steps of preparedness. Make a plan today. Know how you'll contact those in your household and reconnect if separated. Establish a meeting place that's familiar and easy to find.

Connect with us

We would love to work directly with your organization to better prepare you, your organization and its members. E-Mail or call us today at 573-554-7900.

Business Owners

Plan ahead for emergencies to make sure your business is resilient.

Make a Business Continuity Plan

  • Organize a small team to create your plan
  • Identify hazards and potential disruptions to your business
  • Identify and prioritize your business' most important operations and processes
  • Gather critical documents and information needed for decision making
  • Keep it simple: design a plan that is easy to understand and implement
  • Create a communication list and strategy. Plan to use it post-emergency. Maintain up-to-date emergency contact information for employees, vendors, suppliers, and other key stakeholders to your business

Build a Kit

A Business Emergency Kit is a collection of basic items your workplace may need in the event of an emergency. In addition to having an emergency kit for your business, you should also have emergency numbers and procedures clearly displayed throughout the facility, evacuation routes planned and communicated, and special accommodations for those with disabilities.

Be Informed

  • If you oversee a large facility, we recommend registering your business through Rave Facility and consider purchasing the Panic Button
  • Sign up for Smart911 and register to receive Boone County Ready Alerts
  • Download PulsePoint to register any AEDs available in your building and to become aware of all Fire & EMS calls that may occur near your facility
  • Create relationships with other businesses around you and in your community. Discuss, share, and brainstorm emergency preparedness and response as a group

Get Involved

  • Test and evaluate your plan
  • Define different types of exercises and learn how to conduct them
  • Use results from the exercise to evaluate the effectiveness of your plan and make updates as needed
  • Recruit and train your employees and/or volunteers to effectively respond to the hazards identified
  • Take action to mitigate the potential impact on equipment, buildings, facilities, inventory, and storage
  • Consider your insurance options and make sure you have the most well-rounded coverage for your business
  • Exercise, test, and update your plan at least once a year

Additional Business Preparedness Resources

Students & Individuals

Talk to those in your house about what everyone will do during an emergency before it happens.

Make a Household Emergency Plan

Go over what to do during emergencies that could happen in Boone County.

Review your Schools' Emergency Preparedness and Safety Information

Families and Children

Talk to your kids about what to do during an emergency and practice your plans together as a family.

Make a Family Emergency Plan

Go over what to do during emergencies that could happen in Boone County.

  • Plan a meeting spot in case you get separated during an emergency or cannot reach each other
  • Pick the same person for everyone to call, text, or email
  • Use this template to help you build your plan.
  • Help your kids by filling out a contact information form. Keep a copy in their school bookbag and another copy in their emergency kit along with a family photo and a comfort kit.

Know the emergency plans in place at your child's school or daycare

  • Ask about emergency plans for evacuation and early closing
  • Keep the school's contact information with you

Community and Faith-Based Organizations

As a community or faith leader, you can help your community members prepare for emergencies

Spread the Word

Before, during and after an emergency, help disseminate information to people in your network. Sign up for emergency alerts and notification from Boone County Ready Alerts so that you are able to stay up to date with what's happening around you. Assist members of your community or congregation who are elderly, have medical conditions, or are without internet access to sign up for the Special Needs Registry and create a Smart911 profile.

Receive and Offer Emergency Training

Consider receiving additional training such as CPR, Stop the Bleed, or Community Emergency Response Training (CERT). You can also encourage those in your community or congregation to receive life-saving training as well be hosting a training locally. Request a training from the Boone County Office of Emergency Management.

Improve your organization's emergency preparedness by utilizing these resources:

  • Read about the hazards we face in Boone County
  • Make emergency plans for your house of worship
  • Strengthen your facility's security

Pet Owners

We understand that your pet is part of your family and want to enable you to plan for them, too.

During Severe Weather, Tornado, Lightning

Shelter in place with your pet

  • Bring your pet in your safe place with you
  • Gather at least 3 days of supplies for your pet
  • Ready more about sheltering in place

During Extreme Heat

Don't leave your pet outside or in the car for extended amounts of time.

During a Boil Water Advisory

To be safe, give your pets bottled or boiled water.

During or After Flooding

If you must evacuate your home, bring your pets with you.

  • Include where you would go in your plans. Find out ahead of time which hotels, shelters or relatives will allow you to bring your pet(s)
  • Ensure you have all your pet's current medical records gathered and in your pet's emergency kit
  • Have a photo of you and your pet together to prove ownership
  • Have an ID collar, leash, medications and a carrier for your pet(s)

View our printable Are You P.E.T. Ready? Brochure and print a checklist for your pet's emergency kit.

If you have large animals, such as horses, there are additional tips for you available here.


Welcome to Boone County! Stay connected while you are here.

Follow Boone County Ready Alerts

Sign up to receive Boone County Ready alerts to your phone or email.

Not familiar with Missouri weather?

Here's an overview of the various risks that exist in Boone County throughout the year.


  • Severe Weather (Tornadoes, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Hail, Strong Winds)
  • Flooding
  • Earthquakes


  • Extreme Heat
  • Severe Weather (Tornadoes, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Hail, Strong Winds)
  • Flooding
  • Earthquakes


  • Severe Weather (Tornadoes, Rain, Thunder, Lightning, Hail, Strong Winds)
  • Earthquakes


  • Freezing Temperatures
  • Freezing Rain
  • Ice and Snow
  • Earthquakes

You will most likely need to shelter in a safe place during any of the above weather, so it's important to:

  • Know and understand your hotel's emergency plans
  • Follow the instructions provided by your hotel and local authorities

Seniors or Persons with Special Needs

As a senior or person with special needs, there are special considerations you need to make during an emergency.

  1. Be informed by signing up for a Boone County Ready Safety Profile, powered by Smart911. Choose which local and subscription-based alerts you want to receive, by opt-ing in you can ensure you have at least one way to receive emergency notifications. Opt-in to share your information with the Office of Emergency Management. By sharing your profile information, you are helping first responder know you may need extra assistance during an emergency or disaster.
  2. Build an emergency kit with your important supplies in case you need to shelter in place or evacuate your home.
  3. Make a household disaster plan so you know what you will do in various emergencies.
  4. Get involved by practicing your plan and talking with your support team about your plan.

Include important information in your safety profile, for instance if you:

  • Use a life support system, like oxygen, respirator, ventilator, dialysis, pacemaker, or are insulin dependent
  • Have trouble walking, moving around quickly or have a prosthesis
  • Are blind, deaf, hard of hearing or have trouble seeing
  • Have speech, developmental, or mental health disabilities
  • Use a service animal

Learn more about supported decision-making and emergency planning for individuals with special needs and disabilities.

For assistance in setting up, or updating, your Boone County Ready Safety Profile review our step-by-step guide, reach out to your support team, or contact our office.